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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 43 of 279 (15%)
She raised her small hand, and he took it in his, trembling through all
his man's strength.

"I was just starting to see if the train had brought you."

"No--I walked--a great part of the way, at least. Will you help me up?
It's very foolish, but I can't stand."

She rose, tottering, and leaning heavily upon his hand. She drew her own
across her forehead.

"It's only hunger. And I had some milk. Was Augustina in a great way?"

"She was anxious, of course. We both were."

"Yes! it was stupid. But look--" she clung to him. "Will you take me into
the drawing-room, and get me some wine--before I see Augustina?"

"Lean on me."

She obeyed, and he led her in. The drawing-room door was open, and she
sank into the nearest chair. As she looked up she saw the Romney lady
shining from the wall in the morning sunlight. The blue-eyed beauty
looked down, as though with a careless condescension, upon the pale and
tattered Laura. But Laura was neither envious nor ashamed. As Helbeck
left her to get wine, she lay still and white; but in the solitude of the
room while he was gone, a little smile, ghostly as the dawn itself,
fluttered suddenly beneath her closed lids and was gone again.

When he returned, she did her best to drink and eat what she was told.
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