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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 53 of 279 (18%)

She went about her dusting with a shaking hand.

* * * * *

Augustina was not told till later in the day. When her brother, who was
alone with her, had at last succeeded in making her understand that he
proposed to make Laura Fountain his wife, the surprise and shock of the
news was such that Mrs. Fountain was only saved from faintness by her
very strongest smelling-salts.

"Alan--my dear brother! Oh! Alan--you can't have thought it out. She's
her father's child, Alan, all through. How can you be happy? Why, Alan,
the things she says--poor Laura!"

"She _has_ said them," he replied.

"She can't help saying them--thinking them--it's in her. No one will ever
change her. Oh! it's all so strange----"

And Augustina began to cry, silently, piteously.

Helbeck bent over her.

"Augustina!" He spoke with emotion. "If she loved, wouldn't that change
her? Don't all women live by their affections? I am not worth her

His face shone, and spoke the rest for him.
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