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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 66 of 279 (23%)
importance in the narrow lot of this impoverished estate. To a rich
bridegroom it would have been a trifle for contempt. To Helbeck and
herself--though she scarcely believed that he had realised as yet that
she possessed a farthing!--it would mean just escape from penury; a few
more fires and servants and travellings; enough to ease his life from
that hard strain that had tugged at it so long. For _her_ money should
not go to nuns or Jesuits!--she would protect it zealously, and not for
her own sake.

... Oh! those days by the sea! Those were days for remembering. That tall
form always beside her--those eyes so grey and kind--so fiery-kind,
often!--revealing to her day by day more of the man, learning a new
language for her alone, in all the world, a language that could set her
trembling, that could draw her to him, in a humility that was strange and
difficult, yet pure joy!--her hand slipping into his, her look sinking
beneath his, almost with an appeal to love to let her be. Then--nothing
but the sparkling sands and the white-edged waves for company! A little
pleasant chat with Augustina; duty walks with her bath chair along the
sea-wall; strolls in the summer dusk, while Mrs. Fountain, wrapped in her
many shawls, watched them from the balcony; their day had known no other
events, no other disturbance than these.

As far as things external were concerned.--Else, each word, each look
made history. And though he had not talked much to her of his religion,
his Catholic friends and schemes, all that he had said on these things
she had been ready to take into a softened heart. His mystic's practice
and belief wore still their grand air for her--that aspect of power and
mystery which had in fact borne so large a part in the winning of her
imagination, the subduing of her will. She did not want then to know too
much. She wished the mystery still kept up. And he, on his side, had made
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