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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 70 of 279 (25%)
repentant--and very happy.

But he was tired and disappointed by the day's result. The contract was
not signed. His solicitor had been summoned in haste to make the will of
a neighbouring magnate; some of the last formalities of his own business
had been left uncompleted; and in short the matter was postponed for at
least a day or two.

"I wish it was done," he said, sighing--and Laura could only feel that
the responsibilities and anxieties weighing upon him seemed to press with
unusual strength.

A rosy evening stole upon them as they walked along the Greet.--The glow
caught the grey walls of the house on the further bank--lit up the
reaches of the stream--and the bare branch work of a great ruined tree in
front of them. Long lines of heavy wood closed the horizon on either
hand, shutting in the house, the river, and their two figures.

"How solitary we are here!" he said, suddenly looking round him. "Oh!
Laura, can you be happy--with poverty--and me?"

"Well, I shan't read my prayer-book along the river!--and I shan't
embroider curtains for the best bedroom--alack! Perhaps a new piano might
keep me quiet--I don't know!"

He looked at her, then quickly withdrew his eyes, as though they
offended. Through his mind had run the sacred thought, "Her children will
fill her life--and mine!"

"When am I to teach you Latin?" he said, laughing.
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