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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 79 of 279 (28%)

"You make them yourself," she said, drawing back. "There would be none if
you did not--hate--your fellow-citizens."

"I hate no one--but I cannot aid and abet the English Church. That is
impossible to me. Laura!" He observed her carefully. "I don't understand.
Why do you say these things?--why does it hurt you so much?"

"Oh! let me go," she cried, flinging his hand away from her. "Let me go!"

And before he could stop her, she had fled to the door, and disappeared.

* * * * *

Helbeck and Augustina ate a lonely dinner.

"You must have taken Laura too far this afternoon, Alan," said Mrs.
Fountain fretfully. "She says she is too tired to come down again
to-night--so very unlike her!"

"She did not complain--but it may have been a long round," said her

* * * * *

After dinner, Helbeck took his pipe into the garden, and walked for long
up and down the bowling-green, torn with solitary thought. He had put up
his pipe, and was beginning drearily to feel the necessity of going back
to his study, and applying himself--if he could force his will so far--to
some official business that lay waiting for him there, when a light noise
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