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Samantha among the Brethren — Volume 4 by Marietta Holley
page 3 of 41 (07%)
She'd dispute with everybody right up and down if they disagreed with
her--and specially about that religion of hern. How sot she wuz, how
extremely sot.

But then, it hain't in me, nor never wuz, to fight anybody for any
petickuler religion of theirn. There is sights and sights of different
religions round amongst different friends of mine, and most all on 'em
quite good ones.

That is, they are agreeable to the ones who believe in 'em, and not over
and above disagreeable to me.

Now it seems to me that in most all of these different doctrines and
beliefs, there is a grain of truth, and if folks would only kinder hold
onto that grain, and hold themselves stiddy while they held onto it,
they would be better off.

But most folks when they go to follerin' off a doctrine, they foller too
fur, they hain't megum enough.

Now, for instance, when you go to work and whip anybody, or hang 'em, or
burn 'em up for not believin' as you do, that is goin' too fur.

It has been done though, time and agin, in the world's history, and
mebby will be agin.

But it hain't reasonable. Now what good will doctrines o' any kind do to
anybody after they are burnt up or choked to death?

You see such things hain't bein' megum. Because I can't believe jest as
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