Spalding's Baseball Guide and Official League Book for 1889 by Unknown
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In our opinion a satisfied customer is the best advertisement that we can
have, and dealers and individuals will please bear in mind that on whatever article our TRADE MARK appears, we guarantee it to be exactly as represented, and wherever just cause for complaint exists, we will thank the purchaser for returning the article to us and receiving a perfect one in return, or the refunding of the purchase money. Our line of Base Balls is now so well known to the trade, and they are so thoroughly appreciated by the base ball players of the country, that it seems almost unnecessary to call special attention to their superior merits. Spalding's League Ball, having stood the severe test of the National League for the last ten years, and having again been adopted as the official ball of that leading organization for 1888 as well as the other prominent professional College and Amateur Associations, gives it a reputation and sale unequalled by any other ball on the market. BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATIONS; NO League Ball is genuine without our Trade Mark on each box and ball, and the autograph of [Illustration: *Autogram of A. G. Spalding*] on each label. We hope that ball players will not be misled by the remarks of interested dealers handling inferior goods, that the articles they offer "are just as good as Spalding's" and at a cheaper price. We accept their frequent references to our goods as the highest compliment that can be paid us, and only ask that purchasers will do their own comparisons, and be convinced that our goods are really the cheapest as they certainly are the best. Special trade prices are quoted to dealers on application. CHICAGO. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NEW YORK. Publisher's Notice |