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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 20 of 265 (07%)
they were not in the Land of Oz at all, but in an
adjoining territory that was quite distinct from
Ozma's domain and separated from Oz by an
invisible barrier.

As the Oogaboo people emerged into this country,
the pass they had traversed disappeared behind
them and it was not likely they would ever find
their way back into the valley of Oogaboo. They
were greatly puzzled, indeed, by their
surroundings and did not know which way to go.
None of them had ever visited Oz, so it took them
some time to discover they were not in Oz at all,
but in an unknown country.

"Never mind," said Ann, trying to conceal her
disappointment; "we have started out to conquer
the world, and here is part of it. In time, as we
pursue our victorious journey, we will doubtless
come to Oz; but, until we get there, we may as
well conquer whatever land we find ourselves in."

"Have we conquered this place, Your Majesty?"
anxiously inquired Major Cake.

"Most certainly," said Ann. "We have met no
people, as yet, but when we do, we will inform
them that they are our slaves."

"And afterward we will plunder them of all
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