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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 22 of 265 (08%)
of Oogaboo.

Files, however, proved a different sort. The
more difficulties he encountered the more cheerful
he became, and the sighs of the officers were
answered by the merry whistle of the Private. His
pleasant disposition did much to encourage Queen
Ann and before long she consulted the Private
Soldier more often than she did his superiors.

It was on the third day of their pilgrimage
that they encountered their first adventure.
Toward evening the sky was suddenly darkened
and Major Nails exclaimed:

"A fog is coming toward us."

"I do not think it is a fog," replied Files,
looking with interest at the approaching cloud.
"It seems to me more like the breath of a Rak."

"What is a Rak?" asked Ann, looking about

"A terrible beast with a horrible appetite,"
answered the soldier, growing a little paler than
usual. "I have never seen a Rak, to be sure, but I
have read of them in the story-books that grew in
my orchard, and if this is indeed one of those
fearful monsters, we are not likely to conquer the
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