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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 31 of 265 (11%)
They had to crowd close together, for their
support was only a hatch-cover torn from the
ship's deck; but it floated them fairly well and
both the girl and the mule knew it would keep
them from drowning.

The storm was not over, by any means, when the
ship went down. Blinding bolts of lightning shot
from cloud to cloud and the clamor of deep
thunderclaps echoed far over the sea. The waves
tossed the little raft here and there as a child
tosses a rubber ball and Betsy had a solemn
feeling that for hundreds of watery miles in every
direction there was no living thing besides
herself and the small donkey.

Perhaps Hank had the same thought, for he gently
rubbed his nose against the frightened girl and
said "Hee-haw!" in his softest voice, as if to
comfort her.

"You'll protect me, Hank dear, won't you?" she
cried helplessly, and the mule said "Hee-haw!"
again, in tones that meant a promise.

On board the ship, during the days that preceded
the wreck, when the sea was calm, Betsy and Hank
had become good friends; so, while the girl might
have preferred a more powerful protector in this
dreadful emergency, she felt that the mule would
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