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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 62 of 265 (23%)
the edge and uttered a loud "Hee-haw!" Betsy
watched her animal friend curiously.

"I wonder if he sees anything down there?" she

At this, Shaggy rose and went over to the well
to investigate, and Betsy went with him. The
Princess and Polychrome, who had become fast
friends, linked arms and sauntered down one of the
roads, to find an easy path.

"Really," said Shaggy, "there does seem to
be something at the bottom of this old well."

"Can't we pull it up, and see what it is?" asked
the girl.

There was no bucket at the end of the windlass
chain, but there was a big hook that at one time
was used to hold a bucket. Shaggy let down this
hook, dragged it around on the bottom and then
pulled it up. An old hoopskirt came with it, and
Betsy laughed and threw it away. The thing
frightened Hank, who had never seen a hoopskirt
before, and he kept a good distance away from it.

Several other objects the Shaggy Man captured
with the hook and drew up, but none of these was
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