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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 75 of 265 (28%)

"No," said Files, throwing down his gun and
removing the knapsack which was strapped to his
back, "I resign my position as the Army of
Oogaboo. I enlisted to fight the enemy and become
a hero, but if you want some one to bind harmless
girls you will have to hire another Private."

Then he walked over to the others and shook
hands with Shaggy and Tik-Tok.

"Treason!" shrieked Ann, and all the officers
echoed her cry.

"Nonsense," said Files. "I've the right to
resign if I want to."

"Indeed you haven't!" retorted the Queen. "If
you resign it will break up my Army, and then I
cannot conquer the world." She now turned to the
officers and said: "I must ask you to do me a
favor. I know it is undignified in officers to
fight, but unless you immediately capture Private
Files and force him to obey my orders there will
be no plunder for any of us. Also it is likely you
will all suffer the pangs of hunger, and when we
meet a powerful foe you are liable to be captured
and made slaves."

The prospect of this awful fate so frightened
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