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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 80 of 265 (30%)
"A sol-dier must be a-ble to run as well as to
fight," protested Tik-Tok, "and if my works run
down, as they of-ten do, I could nei-ther run nor

"I'll keep you wound up, Tik-Tok," promised

"Why, it isn't a bad idea," said Shaggy. "Tik-
Tok will make an ideal soldier, for nothing can
injure him except a sledge hammer. And, since a
private soldier seems to be necessary to this
Army, Tik-Tok is the only one of our party fitted
to undertake the job."

"What must I do?" asked Tik-Tok.

"Obey orders," replied Ann. "When the officers
command you to do anything, you must do
it; that is all."

"And that's enough, too," said Files.

"Do I get a salary?" inquired Tik-Tok.

"You get your share of the plunder," answered
the Queen.

"Yes," remarked Files, "one-half of the plunder
goes to Queen Ann, the other half is divided
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