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The Scarecrow of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 41 of 219 (18%)
returned the Ork. "Get aboard, little girl; sit across
my shoulders and put both your arms around my neck."

Trot obeyed and when she was seated on the Ork,
Cap'n Bill inquired:

"How 'bout me, Mr. Ork?"

"Why, I think you'd best grab hold of my rear
legs and let me carry you up in that manner," was
the reply.

Cap'n Bill looked way up at the top of the well, and
then he looked at the Ork's slender, skinny legs and
heaved a deep sigh.

"It's goin' to be some dangle, I guess; but if you
don't waste too much time on the way up, I may be able
to hang on," said he.

"All ready, then!" cried the Ork, and at once his
whirling tail began to revolve. Trot felt herself
rising into the air; when the creature's legs left the
ground Cap'n Bill grasped two of them firmly and held
on for dear life. The Ork's body was tipped straight
upward, and Trot had to embrace the neck very tightly
to keep from sliding off. Even in this position the Ork
had trouble in escaping the rough sides of the well.
Several times it exclaimed "Wow!" as it bumped its
back, or a wing hit against some jagged projection; but
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