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The Scarecrow of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 45 of 219 (20%)
preferred to fly over the tree-tops and meet them on
the other side. The forest was not large, so by walking
briskly for fifteen minutes they reached its farthest
edge and saw before them the shore of the ocean.

"It's an island, all right," said Trot, with a sigh.

"Yes, and a pretty island, too," said Cap'n Bill,
trying to conceal his disappointment on Trot's account.
"I guess, partner, if the wuss comes to the wuss, I
could build a raft -- or even a boat -- from those
trees, so's we could sail away in it."

The little girl brightened at this suggestion.
"I don't see the Ork anywhere," she remarked, looking
around. Then her eyes lighted upon something and she
exclaimed: "Oh, Cap'n Bill! Isn't that a house, over
there to the left?"

Cap'n Bill, looking closely, saw a shed-like structure
built at one edge of the forest.

"Seems like it, Trot. Not that I'd call it much of a
house, but it's a buildin', all right. Let's go over
an' see if it's occypied."

Chapter Five
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