The First Blast of the Trumpet against the monstrous regiment of Women by John Knox
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page 15 of 95 (15%)
sobbes and teares of the poore oppressed, the groninges of the
angeles, the watch men of the Lord, yea and euerie earthlie creature abused by their tyrannie do continuallie crie and call for the hastie execution of the same. I feare not to say, that the day of vengeance, whiche shall apprehend that horrible monstre Iesabal of England, and suche as maintein her monstruous crueltie, is alredie apointed in the counsel of the Eternall; and I verelie, beleue that it is so nigh, that she shall not reigne so long in tyrannie, as hitherto she hath done, when God shall declare him selfe to be her ennemie, when he shall poure furth contempt vpon her, according to her crueltie, and shal kindle the hartes of such, as sometimes did fauor her with deadly hatred against her, that they may execute his iudgementes. And therfore let such as assist her, take hede what they do. Within a year of the writing of this MARY TUDOR was dead, and the system of which she was the centre was dead too. III. There are some notable incidental matters in this tract. First in matters of State. As The spaniardes are Iewes and they bragge that Marie of England is the roote of Iesse. _p_. 46. That most important testimony that the Reformation under EDWARD VI was |