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The First Blast of the Trumpet against the monstrous regiment of Women by John Knox
page 5 of 95 (05%)
C. The Empire of a Woman is a thing repugnant to justice, and the
destruction of every commonwealth where it is received.

(a) If justice be a constant and perpetual will to give to every person
their own right: then to give or to will to give to any person that which
is not their right, must repugn to justice. But to reign above Man can
never be the right to Woman: because it is a thing denied unto her by GOD,
as is before declared.

(b) Whatsoever repugneth to the will of GOD expressed in His most sacred
word, repugneth to justice. That Women have authority over Men repugneth
to the will of GOD expressed in His word. Therefore all such authority
repugneth to justice.


1. _The examples of DEBORAH [Judges_ iv. 4] _and HULDAH_ [2
_Kings_ xxii 14.]

2. _The law of MOSES for the daughters of ZELOPHEHAD [Numb_. xxvii. 7,
and xxxvi. 11]

3. _The consent of the Estates of such realms as have approved the Empire
and Regiment of Women._

4 [_The long custom which hath received the Regiment of Women. The valiant
acts and prosperity. Together with some Papistical laws which have
confirmed the same_.

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