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An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism by Joseph Stump
page 112 of 222 (50%)
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.

_What is meant by this Article?_

I believe that God has created me and all that exists; that He has given
and still preserves to me my body and soul, with all my limbs and
senses, my reason and all the faculties of my mind, together with my
raiment, food, home and family, and all my property: that He daily
provides me abundantly with all the necessaries of life, protects me
from all danger, and preserves me and guards me against all evil; all
which He does out of pure, paternal and divine goodness and mercy,
without any merit or worthiness in me; for all which I am in duty bound
to thank, praise, serve and obey Him. This is most certainly true.

I BELIEVE IN, that is, I trust in, I rely upon.

GOD THE FATHER, He is the Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, [Matt. 11:25]
and the first Person of the Holy Trinity. Through Christ He is also my
Father. [John 20:17, Eph. 1:3+]

ALMIGHTY, He is able to do all things, and to help me in every time of

MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. [Ps. 102:25] He has made all things,--the
universe and all that it contains. The world did not come into being of
itself or by chance, nor did it exist from eternity. God made it out of
nothing. In the beginning He created the heaven and the earth. [Gen.
1:1+, Ps 33:6, 9] They were at first a formless mass; [Gen. 1:2] but in
six days God fashioned the formless mass into the world as it now
exists. On these six days He created, 1. Light, 2. The Firmament, 3.
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