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An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism by Joseph Stump
page 120 of 222 (54%)
Him in His kingdom, and serve Him in everlasting righteousness,
innocence, and blessedness, even as He is risen from the dead, and lives
and reigns to all eternity. This is most certainly true.

* * * * *

The Second Article treats of Jesus Christ, THE SON OF GOD, and his work
of REDEMPTION. Prompted by His infinite love, God pitied our lost race,
and determined to save us by sending a Redeemer in the person of His
only Son. [John 3:16+, I Tim. 1:15+] Throughout the centuries of Old
Testament history He repeatedly gave the promise of redemption: In Eden,
[Gen. 3:15] to the patriarchs, [Gen. 12:3, Gen. 26:4] to David, [II Sam.
7:12-13] and through the prophets. [Isa. 9:2-7, Mic. 5:2] In the fulness
of time God seat His Son into the world. [Gal. 4:4]

Article II. and its Explanation may be analyzed as follows:--


1. _His Names_: Jesus, Christ.

2. _His Person and Nature_: True God and True Man.

3. _His Life_: His Humiliation and His Exaltation.


1. _Whom He has redeemed._

2. _From what He has redeemed me._
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