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An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism by Joseph Stump
page 135 of 222 (60%)
compulsion, but willingly, gladly, and out of love. [Mat. 16:24+] With
my best efforts I only partially succeed in doing His will on earth, for
I am still imperfect. [Rom. 7:21-24] But in the next world I shall be
freed from all sin, and be transformed and glorified in body and soul.
Then I shall serve Him in perfect holiness and happiness for ever. [Rev.

As Christ rose from the dead, so I am to rise from the death of sin to
newness of life in Him. [Rom. 6:4] As He lives and dies no more, so I am
to live in righteousness and no more become a servant of sin. [Rom.
6:9,10] As He reigns to all eternity, so I am to live and reign with Him
for ever. [Rev. 3:21]

THIS IS MOST CERTAINLY TRUE: 1. That Jesus Christ, true God and true
Man, is my Lord, who has redeemed me. 2. That He has paid the penalty
for my sins with His holy and precious blood and His innocent sufferings
and death. 3. That consequently I belong to Him, and should serve Him
now and for ever.

QUESTIONS.--1. What four things does the explanation of the second
article tell us about Christ's redemption? 2. Whom has Christ redeemed?
3. What was I before Christ redeemed me, and why? 4. From what has
Christ redeemed me? 5. What is meant by redemption from sin? from death?
and from the devil? 6. How has Christ redeemed me? 7. Why was the
shedding of Christ's blood necessary? 8. Why did Christ suffer and die
if He was innocent? 9. What is meant when we say that Christ was our
substitute? 10. Why has Christ redeemed me? 11. To whom do I now belong,
and what is my duty therefore? 12. What is meant by living under Christ
in His kingdom? 13. In what spirit am I to serve Him? 14. What hope has
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