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An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism by Joseph Stump
page 74 of 222 (33%)
temporal affairs and to maintain law and order in the land. Rulers and
officials of the government must be respected and honored. [Matt.
22:21+, Rom. 13:1-4+] Christians must be good citizens. They must always
obey the law, so long as it does not conflict with the law of God. [I
Pet. 2:13, Acts 5:29] They should be patriotic, pray for their country,
be ready to defend it, pay their taxes, and be concerned that it shall
be a Christian land. Every voter shares in the responsibility of
securing righteous government, and should cast his vote conscientiously.

OLD PERSONS in general are to be treated with respect and honor. [Lev.

A special blessing is promised to those who keep this commandment.

QUESTIONS.--1. What does the Second Table of the Law teach? 2. What is
meant by "our neighbor"? 3. What is the position of parents in the
family? 4. What is meant by "superiors"? 5. To whom is our highest
obedience due? 6. What does this commandment forbid, and what does it
command? 7. In order to avoid despising or displeasing our parents, what
should we not do? 8. Why and how should we honor them? 9. How should we
serve them? 10. How should we obey them? 11. How should we show our love
to them? 12. What should we always remember concerning our parents? 13.
What is meant by esteeming them? 14. How should we regard and treat them
when we have grown older? 15. What is our duty to our pastor? 16. What
is our duty to our teachers? 17. Why should we honor our rulers? 18.
What are a Christian's duties to his country? 19. How must we treat old
persons in general? 20. What special blessing is promised to those who
keep this commandment?

SCRIPTURE VERSES.--Prov. 30:17. The eye that mocketh at his father, and
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