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An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism by Joseph Stump
page 84 of 222 (37%)
good thoughts and desires, so that we have no room for evil ones. [Rom.


Marriage is the union of one man and one woman for life in the bonds of
love and faithfulness.

_A Holy Estate_. Marriage was instituted by God in Eden [Gen. 2:13] and
was sanctioned by Christ, who performed His first miracle at a wedding.
[John 2:1-11] It is a holy estate. Celibacy is not a holier estate than
marriage, as the Roman Catholic Church maintains. [I Tim. 4:1-3]

_Indissoluble_. The marriage tie is binding until one of the married
persons dies. [Matt. 19:6+] Except by death, the marriage relation
cannot be broken or dissolved without sin against this sixth
commandment. [Matt. 5:32+, Matt 19:9] If one party to the marriage is
guilty of adultery, the innocent party may obtain a divorce. No other
divorces are allowed by Christ.

_An Important Step_. Marriage is a most important step in life. It must
not be entered into hastily or thoughtlessly. If a mistake is made in
the choice of a partner for life, the mistake can never be remedied.
Those who contemplate such a step should pray for God's guidance.
Marriage should not be entered upon for money, social advantages, and
the like, but for love. Parents should be consulted. While marriage by a
civil magistrate is valid, Christians should seek God's blessing upon
their union and be married by His ordained servant. The laws of the
State must be carefully obeyed. Marriage between near relatives is
forbidden by God's Word. [Lev. 18] Those who are married should, if
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