The Babylonian Legends of the Creation by E. A. Wallis Budge
page 37 of 94 (39%)
page 37 of 94 (39%)
55. They (i.e. Mummu and Apsu) planned the cursing in the
assembly, 56. They repeated the curses to the gods their eldest sons. 57. The gods made answer ... 58. They began a lamentation... 59. [Endowed] with understanding, the prudent god, the exalted one, 60. Ea, who pondereth everything that is, searched out their [plan]. 61. He brought it to nought (?), he made the form of everything to stand still. 62. He recited a cunning incantation, very powerful and holy. [In the British Museum tablets lines 63-108 are either wanting entirely, or are too broken to translate, and the last 130 lines of the Berlin fragment are much mutilated. The fragments of text show that Ea waged war against Apsu and Mummu. Ea recited an incantation which caused Apsu to fall asleep. He then "loosed the joints" of Mummu, who in some way suffered, but he was strong enough to attack Ea when he turned to deal with Apsu. Ea overcame both his adversaries and divided Apsu into chambers and laid fetters upon him. In one of the chambers of Apsu a god was begotten and born. According to the Ninevite theologians Ea begat by his wife, who is not named, his son Marduk, and according to the theologians of the City of Ashur, Lakhmu begat by his wife Lakhamu a son who is no other than Anshar, or |