The Babylonian Legends of the Creation by E. A. Wallis Budge
page 45 of 94 (47%)
page 45 of 94 (47%)
46. He fixed the destinies for the gods his sons, [saying], 47. "Open your mouths, let the Fire-god be quenched, 48. "He who is glorious in battle and is most mighty shall do great deeds." 49. When Anshar heard that Tiamat was stirred mightily, 50. ... he bit his lips 51. ... his mind was not at peace [Lines 52-54 too fragmentary for translation.] An'shar then addresses Ea and says:-- 55. "Thou hast slain Mummu and Apsu 56. "But Tiamat hath exalted Kingu--where is the one who can meet her? [Lines 57 and 58 imperfect; lines 59-71 wanting.] 72. Anshar spake a word unto his son [Anu]:-- 73. "... this is a difficulty, my warrior 74. "Whose power is exalted, whose attack cannot be stayed, |