The Babylonian Legends of the Creation by E. A. Wallis Budge
page 55 of 94 (58%)
page 55 of 94 (58%)
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63. "'Whatsoever I bring to pass let it remain unaltered.
64. "'That which my mouth uttereth shall neither fail nor be brought to nought.' 65. "Hasten ye therefore, issue your decrees speedily 66. "That he may go to meet your mighty enemy." 67. Gaga departed and hastened upon his way 68. To the god Lakhmu and the goddess Lakhamu, the gods his fathers, reverently 69. He did homage, and he kissed the ground at their feet. 70. He bowed down, stood up, and spake unto them [saying]: 71. "[O ye gods], Anshar your son hath charged me, 72. "The intention of his heart he hath made me to know in this wise:-- 73. "Mother Tiamat who gave us birth hath sown these things, 74. "She hath set in order her assembly, she rageth furiously. 75. "All the gods have joined themselves to her. 76. "They march by her side together with those whom ye have created, |