The Babylonian Legends of the Creation by E. A. Wallis Budge
page 70 of 94 (74%)
page 70 of 94 (74%)
118. They and their resistance he trod under his feet.
119. The god Kingu who had been magnified over them 120. He crushed, he esteemed him [as little worth] as the god Dugga, (as a dead god?). 121. Marduk took from him the TABLET OF DESTINIES, which should never have been his, 122. He sealed it with a seal[1] and fastened it on his breast [Footnote 1: By impressing his seal on the Tablet Marduk proved his ownership of the Tablet, and made his claim to it legal.] 123. After he had crushed and overthrown his enemies, 124. He made the haughty enemy to be like the dust underfoot. 125. He established completely Anshar's victory over the enemy, 126. The valiant Marduk achieved the object of Nudimmud (Ea),[1] [Footnote 1: This is an oblique way of saying that Marduk succeeded where Ea failed.] 127. He imposed strict restraint on the gods whom he had made captive. 128. He turned back to Tiamat whom he had defeated, |