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The Babylonian Legends of the Creation by E. A. Wallis Budge
page 74 of 94 (78%)
the text of 40 lines; lines 66-74 are too fragmentary to translate,
but they seem to have described further acts of Creation.]

75. The gods, his (Marduk's) fathers, looked on the net which he had

76. They observed how craftily the bow had been constructed,

77. They extolled the work which he had done.

78. [Then] the god Anu lifted up [the bow] in the company of the gods,

79. He kissed the bow [saying]: "That ..."

80. He proclaimed [the names] of the bow to be as follows:--

81. "Verily, the first is 'Long Wood,' the second is ...

82. "Its third name is 'Bow Star in heaven' ..."

83. He fixed a station for it ...

[Of the remaining 57 lines of this tablet only fragments of 17 lines
are preserved, and these yield no connected sense.]


1. On hearing the words of the gods, the heart of Marduk moved him to
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