The Babylonian Legends of the Creation by E. A. Wallis Budge
page 82 of 94 (87%)
page 82 of 94 (87%)
115. "The 'King of the Protecting Heart,' (?), hath arisen and hath [bound] the Serpent ... 116. "Broad is his heart, mighty [his] belly. 117. "King of the gods of heaven and of earth, whose name our company hath proclaimed, 118. "We will fulfil (?) the utterance of his mouth. Over his fathers the gods, 119. "Yea, [over] the gods of heaven and earth, all of them, 120. "His kingship [we will exalt]. 121. "[We] will look unto the King of all the heaven and the earth at night when the place of all the gods is darkness (literally sadness). 122. "He hath assigned our dwelling in heaven and in earth in the time of trouble, 123. "He hath allotted stations to the Igigi and the Anunnaki. 124. "The gods themselves are magnified by his name; may he direct their sanctuaries. 125. "ASAR-LU-DUG, is his name by which his father Anu hath named him. 126. "Verily, he is the light of the gods, the mighty ... |