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Theologico-Political Treatise — Part 4 by Benedictus de Spinoza
page 11 of 87 (12%)
(16:37) We may, therefore, conclude that a compact is only made valid by its
utility, without which it becomes null and void. (38) It is, therefore,
foolish to ask a man to keep his faith with us for ever, unless we also
endeavour that the violation of the compact we enter into shall involve for
the violator more harm than good. (39) This consideration should have very
great weight in forming a state. (40) However, if all men could be easily
led by reason alone, and could recognize what is best and most useful for a
state, there would be no one who would not forswear deceit, for everyone
would keep most religiously to their compact in their desire for the chief
good, namely, the shield and buckler of the commonwealth. (41) However, it
is far from being the case that all men can always be easily led by reason
alone; everyone is drawn away by his pleasure, while avarice, ambition,
envy, hatred, and the like so engross the mind that, reason has no place
therein. (42) Hence, though men make - promises with all the appearances of
good faith, and agree that they will keep to their engagement, no one can
absolutely rely on another man's promise unless there is something behind
it. (43) Everyone has by nature a right to act deceitfully. and to break his
compacts, unless he be restrained by the hope of some greater good, or the
fear of some greater evil.

(16:44) However, as we have shown that the natural right of the individual
is only limited by his power, it is clear that by transferring, either
willingly or under compulsion, this power into the hands of another, he in
so doing necessarily cedes also a part of his right; and further, that the
Sovereign right over all men belongs to him who has sovereign power,
wherewith he can compel men by force, or restrain them by threats of the
universally feared punishment of death; such sovereign right he will
retain only so long as he can maintain his power of enforcing his will;
otherwise he will totter on his throne, and no one who is stronger than he
will be bound unwillingly to obey him.
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