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Theologico-Political Treatise — Part 4 by Benedictus de Spinoza
page 16 of 87 (18%)
no respect of persons, but to account all men equal, and to defend every
man's right equally, neither envying the rich nor despising the poor.

[16:6](75) The men of two states become allies, when for the sake of
avoiding war, or for some other advantage, they covenant to do each other no
hurt, but on the contrary, to assist each other if necessity arises, each
retaining his independence. (76) Such a covenant is valid so long as its
basis of danger or advantage is in force: no one enters into an engagement,
or is bound to stand by his compacts unless there be a hope of some accruing
good, or the fear of some evil: if this basis be removed the compact thereby
becomes void: this has been abundantly shown by experience. (77) For
although different states make treaties not to harm one another, they always
take every possible precaution against such treaties being broken by the
stronger party, and do not rely on the compact, unless there is a
sufficiently obvious object and advantage to both parties in observing it.
(78) Otherwise they would fear a breach of faith, nor would there be any
wrong done thereby: for who in his proper senses, and aware of the right of
the sovereign power, would trust in the promises of one who has the will and
the power to do what he likes, and who aims solely at the safety and
advantage of his dominion? (79) Moreover, if we consult loyalty and
religion, we shall see that no one in possession of power ought to abide by
his promises to the injury of his dominion; for he cannot keep such promises
without breaking the engagement he made with his subjects, by which both he
and they are most solemnly bound. (80) An enemy is one who lives apart from
the state, and does not recognize its authority either as a subject or as an
ally. It is not hatred which makes a man an enemy, but the rights of the
state. (81) The rights of the state are the same in regard to him who
does not recognize by any compact the state authority, as they are against
him who has done the state an injury: it has the right to force him as best
it can, either to submit, or to contract an alliance.
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