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Theologico-Political Treatise — Part 4 by Benedictus de Spinoza
page 31 of 87 (35%)
(17:67) In order that the question may be thoroughly understood, I will duly
set forth the administration of the whole state.

(68) First, the people were commanded to build a tabernacle, which should
be, as it were, the dwelling of God - that is, of the sovereign authority of
the state. (69) This tabernacle was to be erected at the cost of the whole
people, not of one man, in order that the place where God was consulted
might be public property. (70) The Levites were chosen as courtiers and
administrators of this royal abode; while Aaron, the brother of Moses, was
chosen to be their chief and second, as it were, to God their King, being
succeeded in the office by his legitimate sons.

(17:71) He, as the nearest to God, was the sovereign interpreter of the
Divine laws; he communicated the answers of the Divine oracle to the people,
and entreated God's favour for them. (72) If, in addition to these
privileges, he had possessed the right of ruling, he would have been neither
more nor less than an absolute monarch; but, in respect to government, he
was only a private citizen: the whole tribe of Levi was so completely
divested of governing rights that it did not even take its share with the
others in the partition of territory. (73) Moses provided for its support by
inspiring the common people with great reverence for it, as the only tribe
dedicated to God.

(17:74) Further, the army, formed from the remaining twelve tribes, was
commanded to invade the land of Canaan, to divide it into twelve portions,
and to distribute it among the tribes by lot. (75) For this task twelve
captains were chosen, one from every tribe, and were, together with
Joshua and Eleazar, the high priest, empowered to divide the land into
twelve equal parts, and distribute it by lot. (76) Joshua was chosen for the
chief command of the army, inasmuch as none but he had the right to consult
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