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Theologico-Political Treatise — Part 4 by Benedictus de Spinoza
page 5 of 87 (05%)
[19:4] Position of the Apostles exceptional.

[19:5] Why Christian States, unlike the Hebrew,
suffer from disputes between the civil
and ecclesiastical powers.

[19:6] Absolute power in things spiritual of modern rulers.

[20:0] CHAPTER XX - That in a Free State every man
may Think what he Likes, and Say what he Thinks.

[20:1] The mind not subject to State authority.

[20:2] Therefore in general language should not be.

[20:3] A man who disapproving of a law, submits his adverse opinion
to the judgment of the authorities, while acting in
accordance with the law, deserves well of the State.

[20:4] That liberty of opinion is beneficial, shown from
the history of Amsterdam.

[20:5] Danger to the State of withholding it. -
Submission of the Author to the
judgment of his country's rulers.

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