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Explorations in Australia, Illustrated, by John Forrest
page 25 of 325 (07%)
(Tommy Windich and Jemmy Mungaro). The latter native gave Mr. J.H. Monger
the information respecting the murder of white men in the eastward.
Reached Newcastle on the 17th and left on Monday, 19th, with a
three-horse cart and teamster and thirteen horses, making a total of
sixteen horses. Reached Mombekine, which is about sixteen miles
East-North-East from Newcastle.

April 20th.
Continued journey to Goomalling, sixteen miles, which we reached at 1
p.m., and devoted the remainder of the afternoon to weighing and packing
rations, etc., for a final start.

Leaving Goomalling at 10.30 a.m., we travelled in a northerly direction
for nine miles, and reached Walyamurra Lake; thence about East-North-East
for seven miles, we encamped at a well on north side of Kombekine Lake.
The water was very bad from opossums being drowned in it, and there was
hardly any feed.

Hearing from a number of natives that there was no water in the direction
we intended steering, namely, to Mount Churchman, we decided on changing
our course and proceed there via Waddowring, in latitude 31 degrees south
and longitude 118 degrees east. Steering about South-South-East for eight
miles, through dense scrubby thickets, which we had great difficulty in
getting the cart through, we struck the road from Goomalling to
Waddowring, which we followed along about east for eight miles, and
camped at a well called Naaning, with hardly any feed.

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