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Explorations in Australia, Illustrated, by John Forrest
page 43 of 325 (13%)
children from these inhuman wretches. Then the old man tried to cry, and
ended by saying he had two women at his hut, a little westward. After
travelling ten miles from our last night's bivouac, and not finding
water, we struck North 204 degrees East magnetic for about twenty miles,
through scrubby thickets, without feed, and arrived at the bivouac of the
2nd, where the party will meet us to-morrow. Reached the water at the Two
Springs half an hour after dark.

Explored the country around camp in search of a better place for feed,
but could not find water. Mr. Hamersley and party joined us at 4 p.m.,
all well. Tommy shot a red kangaroo, which was a great treat, after
living so long on salt pork. Barometer 28.60; fine; cold wind from the
east all day.

13th (Sunday).
Rested at camp. Intend taking a trip to the southward to-morrow.
Barometer 28.76.

Started this morning, in company with Morgan and Jemmy, to examine the
country to the southward. Travelled in a south-westerly direction for
twenty-five miles, and camped at the spot where we had the encounter with
the natives on May 31. We found they had left, and there was no water on
the rocks. Luckily our horses had water six miles back.


Saddled up at daybreak, and steered about South-East towards a high range
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