Explorations in Australia, Illustrated, by John Forrest
page 46 of 325 (14%)
page 46 of 325 (14%)
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Rested at camp. Jemmy shot four rock kangaroos to-day. Took a round of
angles from a bare granite hill, North 50 degrees East magnetic, about one mile from camp, which I found to be in south latitude 28 degrees 57 minutes by meridian altitudes of Bootes (Arcturus) and a Pegasi (Markab); and in longitude about 120 degrees 55 minutes East. Saw a high hill bearing North 81 degrees 30 minutes East magnetic, about twenty-five miles distant, which I named Mount Lenora; and another bearing North 67 degrees East magnetic, about twenty-five miles distant, which I named Mount George. Intend proceeding to Mount Lenora to-morrow. Marked a small tree (ordnance-tree of Mr. Austin) with the letter F at our bivouac. 21st. Steering towards Mount Lenora over some tolerably grassy country, we reached it at sundown, and, not finding any water, camped without it, with very good feed. In south latitude 28 degrees 53 minutes by meridian altitudes of Lyrae (Vega) and Aquilae (Altair), and in longitude about 121 degrees 20 minutes East. 22nd. After making every search in the vicinity of the bivouac for water, and the country ahead appearing very unpromising, I decided to return ten miles on our tracks, where we found a fine pool of water in a brook, and camped. Tomorrow I intend taking a flying trip in search of water. A NATIVE UP A TREE. 23rd. Started this morning, in company with Tommy Windich, to explore the country to the eastward for water, etc. After travelling three miles towards Mount Lenora, saw a natives' fire bearing North-East about three |