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Explorations in Australia, Illustrated, by John Forrest
page 50 of 325 (15%)
to our last camp, where the feed was much better, in latitude 28 degrees
55 minutes South, and longitude 121 degrees 10 minutes East. Travelled
about east for thirty miles towards Mount Margaret, our farthest point
last trip. We camped in a thicket, without water, on a small patch of

Saddled up at dawn, and proceeded towards Mount Margaret, obtaining a
little water at the spot where we found water on our former trip.
Continuing, we came to a fine pool of water in a brook, and rested an
hour, Mount Margaret being north-east about two miles and a half. Hardly
any feed near the water. Resuming, we passed Mount Margaret and started
towards the table hill seen previously, bearing North 73 degrees East
magnetic, apparently about eighteen miles distant, over a series of dry
salt marshes, with sandy country and spinifex intervening. After
travelling eight miles, we bivouacked without water on a small patch of
feed. With the pocket sextant I found this spot to be in south latitude
about 28 degrees 50 minutes, and longitude about 122 degrees 11 minutes


July 1st.
After journeying towards the table hill seen yesterday for six miles,
crossed a large brook heading south-west, in which we found a small pool
of rain-water, and rested an hour to breakfast. Resuming for about six
miles, reached the table hill, which I ascended and took a round of
angles. I have since named this hill Mount Weld, being the farthest hill
seen eastward by us. Continuing about North 77 degrees East magnetic for
fifteen miles, through dense thickets--no grass except spinifex--we
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