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Explorations in Australia, Illustrated, by John Forrest
page 53 of 325 (16%)
also shot an emu that came to water, and which we carried to camp.
Reached there at 6 p.m. and found all well, having been absent seven
days, every night being without water, during which time we travelled
over 200 miles.

Weighed all the rations, and found we had 283 pounds flour, 31 pounds
bacon, 28 pounds sugar, and 4 pounds tea--equal to thirty-two days'
allowance of flour, ten days' bacon, nineteen days' sugar, and twenty-one
days' tea on a full ration. Thereupon concluded to return to Perth as
quickly as possible, and reduce the allowance of tea and sugar to last
thirty days--bacon to be done without. By that time I hope to reach
Clarke's homestead, Victoria Plains, and intend to return by Mount
Kenneth, Nanjajetty, Ningham, or Mount Singleton, and thence to Damparwar
and Clarke's homestead, thus fixing a few points that will be useful to
the Survey Office.


At 6.30 a.m., barometer 28 86, thermometer 34 degrees. Started on the
return, and followed along our outward tracks for sixteen miles. Camped
on east side of granite range, in south latitude 28 degrees 57 minutes,
and east longitude 120 degrees 55 minutes.

Travelling nearly along our eastward track, and passing our bivouac of
the 19th June, we reached the Two Springs bivouac.

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