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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 32 of 71 (45%)
interviewed him on the subject of the maiden aunt, and found that the
slightest allusion to her was productive of any of the following

1st. Sudden and violent twitching of the eyes.

2d. Discoloration of the veins of the nose, resulting in an appearance
abnormally rubicund.

3d. Manifestations of extravagant thirst, which water could not satisfy.

4th. Tendency to reach for his boot-straps, as if with the view of
lifting himself by the same.

5th. Rapid rise of the pulse from 50 to 500--say within the space of ten

6th. Shoo-fly! movement of the hand toward the cheek as if some thing
had alighted there, and patient were trying to rub it off.

7th. The presence of a cicatrix on the left temple (This is a most
irrefutable proof of insanity).

8th. Psychological developments indicative of "moral alienation."

9th. Gangrenous condition of the tongue, proceeding from a disordered
liver, and mysteriously communicated to the brain.

10th. Any symptoms going to show that patient might mistake another
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