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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 37 of 71 (52%)
Hammer! hammer! hammer!


O strength of tongue how awful! O power of lungs how mighty!
Whence draw ye, honest gentlemen, your constant wind supply?
Whence comes your inspiration, belligerent or flighty?
Your common-place that grovels and your metaphors so high?
Pray, why not try, for novelty, a kind of solo speaking?
One man upon his legs--only one upon the floor?
For eloquence,'tis possible, does not consist in shrieking,
And really where's the argument in all this thundering roar?
Rap! rap! rap!
To quell the rising clamor;
Order! order! order!
Hammer! hammer! hammer!


The country listens sadly to the racket most distressing,
And wonders, in its bother, if e'er the time will come
When the Fates and Constitution will vouchsafe to us the blessing
Of a House of Representatives completely deaf and dumb;
Or if, perhaps, in exile these noisy mischief-makers,
The stream of elocution run most fortunately dry,
In seats of legislation, rows of ruminating Quakers
May shake their heads for "Nay" and may nod their heads for "Aye."
Rap! rap! rap!
To quell the rising clamor;
Order! order! order!
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