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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 50 of 71 (70%)

_Old Salt_. How can sea-sickness be avoided?

_Answer_. By never going to sea.

_Linnaeus_. Does a knowledge of botany necessarily involve a knowledge
of square root and cube root?

_Answer_. Our correspondent is evidently trying to quiz us. PUNCHINELLO
will pay no attention to levity of this sort.

_Claude_. I desire to make a few presents to a young lady who is
intellectual but very timid. What shall I give her?

_Answer_. Presents of Mind.

_M.C._ I am going to buy a new faro-table for my place up-town--you know
where. What is the best shape and material?

_Answer_. A Square Deal table generally suite _players_ the best.

_Williams_. No, sir; the term Fiscal year has no reference to Col. FISK,

_Gardener_. Haydn's Book of Dates is not a Horticultural book.

_Byron, Jr_. Your verses would be much better if you would pay less
attention to your Feet and more to your Head.

_M.J.B._ Dear Mr. PUNCHINELLO: Our darling little pet, Tinkums, is not
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