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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 52 of 71 (73%)
From our special correspondent if Washington we have received the
following Special Order of the Navy Department, directing United States
men-of-war how to approach and leave Yokohama:


In consequence of the late disaster to the U.S. sloop Oneida, the
following rules are hereby published for the guidance of vessels of war
approaching the Bay of Yokohama:

I. On making the land, or if at night, on striking the soundings, all
hands will be called to prayers.

II. After prayers all boats will be lowered and towed astern, to be out
of the way of damage.

III. The gunner, under direction of the executive officer, will dismount
all guns, and strike them into the hold. The reasons for this action
will be at once apparent to commanders of vessels, when they reflect
that, in case of collision, the guns would be useless as signals, owing
to the extraordinary deafness of the officers belonging to the
Peninsular and Oriental Mail Steamship Company; and a reference to the
details of the Oneida's disaster will show the danger of the guns
breaking loose and destroying human life. They will, therefore, be at
once stowed in the hold.

IV. On entering the bay, the helm must be kept amidships. The rule of
the road, according to English interpretation, is so difficult of
comprehension that the above is by far the safest plan.

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