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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 6 of 71 (08%)
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| Orders from the Trade and public solicited. |
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| D. & J. SADLIER & CO., |
| |
| 31 Barclay Street, N. Y. |
| |
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| [Illustration: TRADE MARK PATENTED 1868] |
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| This Brand of ALPACA, on account of its fineness of cloth, |
| and richness of color, has become the Standard Alpaca |
| now used in the United States. |
| |
| These Goods are greatly Improved for the Spring and |
| Summer wear, being of the richest and purest Shade of |
| fast Black, and made of the very finest material, |
| they are absolutely superior to any ALPACAS ever |
| sold in this country, and now are one of the most |
| fashionable and economical fabrics worn. |
| These beautiful Goods are sold by most of the |
| leading Retail Dry-Goods Merchants in all |
| the leading cities and towns throughout all |
| the States. |
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