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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 65 of 71 (91%)
| Chromos, and four copies of the paper for one year in one |
| order, for clubs of Four, for $23.00. |
| |
| We will send to any one a printed list of L. PRANG & CO.'S |
| Chromos, from which a selection can be made, if the above is |
| not satisfactory, and are prepared to make special terms for |
| clubs to any amount, and to agents. |
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| Postage of paper is payable at the office where received, |
| twenty cents per year, or five cents per quarter in advance; |
| the CHROMOS will be _mailed free_ on receipt of money. |
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| Remittances should be made in P.O. Orders, Drafts, or Bank |
| Checks on New-York, or Registered letters. The paper will be |
| sent from the first number, (April 2d, 1870,) when not |
| otherwise ordered. |
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| Now is the time to subscribe, as these Premiums will be |
| offered for a limited time only. On receipt of a |
| postage-stamp we will send a copy of No. 1 to any one |
| desiring to get up a club. |
| |
| Address |
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| P.O. Box 2783. No. 83 Nassau Street, New-York. |
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