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Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 08, May 21, 1870 by Various
page 9 of 71 (12%)
| country; and to that end has secured a |
| |
| |
| in various sections of the Union, while its columns will |
| always open to appropriate first-class literary and artistic |
| talent. PUNCHINELLO will be entirely original; humorous and |
| witty, without vulgarity, and satirical without malice. It |
| will be printed on a superior tinted paper of sixteen pages, |
| size 13 by 9, and will be for sale by all respectable |
| newsdealers who have the judgment to know a good thing when |
| they see it, or by subscription from this office. |
| |
| The Artistic department will be in charge of Henry L. |
| Stephens, whose celebrated cartoons in VANITY FAIR placed |
| Jim in the front rank of humorous artists, assisted by |
| leading artists in their respective specialities. |
| |
| The management of the paper will be in the hands of WILLIAM |
| A. STEPHENS, with whom is associated CHARLES DAWSON SHANLY, |
| both of whom were identified with VANITY FAIR. |
| |
| |
| Suitable for the paper, and Original Designs, or suggestive |
| ideas or sketches for illustrations, upon the topics of the |
| day, are always acceptable, and will be paid for liberally. |
| |
| Rejected communications can not be returned, unless |
| postage-stamps are inclosed. |
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