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Brave and Bold - The Fortunes of Robert Rushton by Horatio Alger
page 61 of 262 (23%)
the table and set it down. This movement brought him nearer Paul
Nichols, who, with the timidity natural to an old man, anticipated an
immediate attack.

"Don't kill me! Spare my life!" he exclaimed, hastily stepping back.

"I see you don't know me, Uncle Paul?" said the intruder, familiarly.

"Who are you that call me Uncle Paul?" asked the old man, somewhat

"Benjamin Haley, your sister's son. Do you know me now?"

"You Ben Haley!" exclaimed the old man, betraying surprise. "Why, you
are old enough to be his father."

"Remember, Uncle Paul, I am eighteen years older than when you saw me
last. Time brings changes, you know. When I saw you last, you were a
man in the prime of life, now you are a feeble old man."

"Are you really Ben Haley?" asked the old man, doubtfully.

"To be sure I am. I suppose I look to you more like a bearded savage.
Well, I'm not responsible for my looks. Not finding you at home, I took
the liberty of coming in on the score of relationship."

"What, were you doing with that candle?" asked Paul, suspiciously.

"I went down cellar with it."

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