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Brave and Bold - The Fortunes of Robert Rushton by Horatio Alger
page 72 of 262 (27%)
upon. Finally, after breakfast, which consisted of eggs and toast, Ben
Haley having ransacked the premises for eggs, which the old man intended
for the market, Paul said, "Benjamin, you must not be offended, but I
have lived alone for years, and I cannot invite you to stay longer."

"Where shall I go, uncle?" demanded Ben, taking out his pipe coolly, and
lighting it.

"There's a tavern in the village."

"Is there? That won't do me any good."

"You'll be better off there than here. They set a very good table,

"You don't," said Ben, finishing the sentence. "I know that, but then,
uncle, I have two reasons for preferring to stay here. The first is,
that I may enjoy the society of my only living relation; the second is,
that I have not money enough to pay my board at the hotel."

He leaned back, and began to puff leisurely at his pipe, as if this
settled the matter.

"If you have no money, why do you come to me?" demanded Paul, angrily.
"Do you expect me to support you?"

"You wouldn't turn out your sister's son, would you, Uncle Paul?"

"You must earn your own living. I can't support you in idleness."

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