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Brave and Bold - The Fortunes of Robert Rushton by Horatio Alger
page 75 of 262 (28%)
cellar beneath. He hurried to the staircase, and tottered down. Ben had
come upon a tin quart-measure partly filled with gold coins, and was
stooping over, transferring them to his pocket.

With a hoarse cry like that of an animal deprived of its young, his
uncle sprang upon him, and fastened his clawlike nails in the face of
his burly nephew.



The attack was so sudden, and the old man's desperation so reinforced
his feeble strength, that Ben Haley was thrown forward, and the measure
of gold coins fell from his hand. But he quickly recovered himself.

"Let me alone," he said, sternly, forcibly removing his uncle's hands
from his face, but not before the clawlike nails had drawn blood. "Let
me alone, if you know what is best for yourself."

"You're a thief!" screamed Paul. "You shall go to jail for this."

"Shall I?" asked Ben, his face darkening and his tone full of menace.
"Who is going to send me there?"

"I am," answered Paul. "I'll have you arrested."
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