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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, December 5, 1917 by Various
page 2 of 57 (03%)


"In China," says _The Daily Express_, "a chicken can still be
purchased for sixpence." Intending purchasers should note, however,
that at present the return fare to Shanghai brings the total cost a
trifle in excess of the present London prices.


A recent applicant to the Warwickshire Appeal Tribunal claimed that he
had captured the German shell-less egg trade. He denied that the enemy
had purposely allowed it to escape.


A tramp charged at Kingston with begging was wearing three overcoats,
two coats, two pair of trousers and an enormous pair of boots. It
seems strange that this man should not have realised that he was in a
position to earn a handsome salary as a music-hall comedian.


Owing to a cow straying on the line at Acton Bridge last week a goods
train was derailed. It seems that the unfortunate animal was not aware
that cow-catchers had been abolished.


It is reported that the two thousand taxi-drivers still on strike have
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