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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, December 5, 1917 by Various
page 3 of 57 (05%)
decided to offer their services to Sir AUCKLAND GEDDES for munition
work. Suitable employment will be found for them in a high-expletive


In New York a club has been started exclusively for golfers. The
others insisted on it.


A notice exhibited in the window of a Bermondsey public-house bears
the words, "There is nothing like Government Ale." Agreed.


"Shrimps," says a Southern Command Order, "should not be purchased
where a long train journey is involved." For soldiers, however, who
require this kind of diet little excursions to the seaside can always
be arranged for with the C.O.


At Aberavon the other day the son of an interned German was bitten by
a dog which he had kicked by accident. The dog of course did not know
it was an accident.


We are the first to record the fact that a dear old lady, the other
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