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The American Frugal Housewife by Lydia Maria Francis Child
page 2 of 178 (01%)
[Illustration: MUTTON.

1. Leg.
2. Loin, best end.
3. Do. Chump do.
4. Neck, best do.
5. Do Scrag do.
6. Shoulder.
7. Breast.
Saddle, 2 Loins.]

[Illustration: PORK.

1. The Sperib.
2. Hand.
3. Belly, or Spring.
4. Fore Loin.
5. Hind do.
6. Leg.]

[Illustration: VEAL.

1. Loin, best end
2. Do Chump do
3. Fillet.
4. Knuckle, hind.
5. Do. fore.
6. Neck, best end.
7. Do. scrag do.
8. Blade Bone.
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